Nov 16, 2018

Compression Spring Grinding Compression spring ends often are ground to increase operational life and to allow the spring to sit squarely on the load-bearing surface. Grinding of compression springs also increases the number of active coils and the wire diameter available in a given volume of space, which can result in higher loads or lower stresses. As a modern compression springs manufacturer, our facilities operate with a wide variety of equipment - from hand-operated grinding tools to automatic, high-speed vertical spindle disc grinders. [caption id="attachment_2576" align="aligncenter" width="476"]Compression Spring Grinding Compression Spring Grinding[/caption]   Compression Spring Shapes & Sizes .007 to .625 inches in spring wire diameter Up to 2.0 Inches Compression Spring Round Wire Compression Spring Square Wire Compression Spring Rectangular Wire Compression Spring Special Section Wire


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