Apr 11, 2008

The goal of this post is to give you some basic information about the 3 major types of springs; compression springs, extension springs, and torsion springs. We are going to note what the spring looks like, its basic function, and the purpose of the spring. There are three main basic types of springs: compression springs, extension springs, and torsion springs. Compression springs can be found in ballpoint pens, pogo sticks, and the valve assemblies of gasoline engines. When you put a load on the spring, making it shorter, it pushes back against the load and will try to get back to its original length. The basic definition of a spring is a device that has memory. Extension springs are found in garage door assemblies, vise-grip pliers, and carburetors. They are attached at both ends, and when the things they are attached to move apart, the spring tries to bring them together again. Torsion springs can be found on clipboards, underneath swing-down tailgates, and, again, in car engines. The ends of torsion springs are attached to other things, and when those things rotate around the center of the spring, the spring tries to push them back to their original position. There will be more in-depth information regarding various types of springs coming in the future, and as always feel free to contact us at Katy Spring with any spring related questions!


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