Jun 4, 2016

Flat Springs Made in the USA

Please send inquiries to: sales@katyspring.com
Ph. 281-391-1888

[caption id="attachment_1326" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Flat Springs and Custom Flat SPrings Flat Springs and Custom Flat Springs[/caption]

Made in USA Flat Springs

Flat springs are used to keep forces within restricted space conditions. Several materials are used including flat, high carbon spring steel, phosphor-bronze, beryllium-copper, stainless steel, nickel-silver and high-nickel specialty alloys. Formulas used to design flat springs involve small deflections, never more than 25% of the spring free length. Katy Spring can assist customers with the sometimes complicated designs of these types of springs, also known as beam designs. Flat Springs Made in the USA

[caption id="attachment_1366" align="aligncenter" width="132"]Flat Springs Made in the USA Flat Springs Made in the USA[/caption]


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Leaders in
custom springs

With all of the ways to communicate (email, text, and fax), we still love phone calls! Call us at 281-391-1888 or contact us online. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and keep up with the latest on industry news, changes in the raw material market, company news, and other valuable information that will assist you.

Celebrating 25 years of precision

quality + precision for over 25 years.

For over two decades we have delivered quality products made to the specifications of our customers. Our customers’ success is at the forefront, meaning every details matters to Katy Spring.

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