Jun 19, 2018

An age hardenable cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy providing a good combination of high strength, ductility and mechanical properties. Excellent fatigue life, corrosion resistance in many environments, non-magnetic.

Engineering Data

E Mpa 203,400 Min Size (in) 0.000
E psi 29,500,000 Max Size (in) 0.000
G Mpa 77,000 Min Size (mm) 0.000
G psi 11,200,000 Max Size (in) 0.000
Density g/cm3 8.300 Surface Min
Density lb/in3 0.300 Max Temp °C 450
Conductivity 0 Max Temp °F 840

All materials specifications are provided for general reference purposes only.

Elgiloy Springs Application:

Elgiloy Springs Notes:

E Mpa Young's Modulus These factors can vary with cold work, heat treating and operational stress.
E psi
G Mpa Modulus of Rigidity
G psi
Conductivity % IACS
Surface Min Typical Surface Quality a Maximum defect depth: 0 to 0.5% of d or t
b Maximum defect depth: 1.0% of d or t
c Defect depth:less that 3.5% of d or t
Min Size Sizes commonly available for wire or strip Special sizes may be available at additional cost.
Max Size
Max Temp Maximum service temperature May vary due to operating stress


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