Mar 2, 2020

Katy Spring is a marine springs manufacturer and supplies stainless steel and coated steel products to boat and marine equipment manufacturers for use in numerous applications, for instance, balance hatches of all sizes and weights on the smallest boats to higher volume production sport fishing boats and the largest yachts.

Our engineering team can assist with new boat design to ensure ergonomic balancing and safety. Metal springs are tools used for the storage and transmission of force and can be used in alarms, circuit breakers, marine chronometers, electronics, furniture, hardware, instruments and gauges, solenoid valves and more, as well as a wide variety of other industrial, commercial and consumer products.

Stainless Steel Springs

For sustained or frequent exposure to moisture or chemicals, stainless steel springs are recommended. Metal springs may also be called metal struts, metal props, metal shocks, metal lifts or metal dampers, depending on the industry and application. Metal springs are commonly used to reduce the shock or impact of a load or another element.

Lift Off Hinges and Latches

The polished finish hardware, including lift off hinges and latches, provides aesthetic appeal and durability. We manufacture gas springs, struts and stanchions as well. Specialty hinges and struts are regularly designed, manufactured, and stocked for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners in small lot or large lot production.

Katy Spring produces the broad range of configurations you need, in round, square, or other special section wire. In addition to the typical constant diameter cylindrical spring, choose from barrel, conical, hourglass, and other varied diameters or rate configurations. As a marine springs manufacturer, we specialize in compression springs, extension springs, torsion springs, die springs, and other wire forms.

Contact Your Trusted Marine Springs Manufacturer — Katy Spring!

We look forward to consulting with you and ensuring you receive the right order, on time, without fail, for the fulfillment of all your marine springs application specifications. Katy Spring works across many industries that require special springs in a wide variety of materials. Contact us today!


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Leaders in
custom springs

With all of the ways to communicate (email, text, and fax), we still love phone calls! Call us at 281-391-1888 or contact us online. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook and keep up with the latest on industry news, changes in the raw material market, company news, and other valuable information that will assist you.

Celebrating 25 years of precision

quality + precision for over 25 years.

For over two decades we have delivered quality products made to the specifications of our customers. Our customers’ success is at the forefront, meaning every details matters to Katy Spring.

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